Best 9 Places In East Belitung!
Sampai kapanpun, Belitung tidak akan bisa lepas dari yang
namanya Laskar Pelangi. Memang, Laskar Pelangi merupakan tombak kemajuan
pariwisata di Belitung. Karenanya, kunjungan wisatawan ke Belitung meningkat beberapa
kali lipat dibandingkan sebelum kemunculan Laskar Pelangi ke permukaan. Tapi,
tidak hanya Laskar Pelangi saja yang menjadi andalan pariwisata di Belitung.
Sekarang banyak muncul tempat-tempat wisata baru yang dikelola oleh pemerintah
maupun oleh pihak swasta. Tulisan kali ini saya akan membahas tempat-tempat
wajib yang harus dikunjungi jika berkunjung ke Belitung, khususnya Belitung
Belitung will not be separated from Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow Troops). Indeed, Laskar Pelangi is the milestone of tourism of Belitung. Because of Laskar Pelangi, the statistics of tourist in Belitung is better than before. Year by year, Belitung is getting prepared for a best performance to catch a tourist more and more. Many new tourism spot arise around Belitung; managed by government or by private developer. In this post, I will describe top 9 tourism spots in Belitung, especially in East Belitung.
Belitung will not be separated from Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow Troops). Indeed, Laskar Pelangi is the milestone of tourism of Belitung. Because of Laskar Pelangi, the statistics of tourist in Belitung is better than before. Year by year, Belitung is getting prepared for a best performance to catch a tourist more and more. Many new tourism spot arise around Belitung; managed by government or by private developer. In this post, I will describe top 9 tourism spots in Belitung, especially in East Belitung.
1. Bukit A1, Samak, Manggar
Bukit A1 Samak atau yang lebih dikenal
dengan Samak adalah sebuah dataran tinggi yang langsung menghadap ke laut lepas
di pesisir timur pulau Belitung. Disini anda bisa memesan banyak makanan khas
Belitung seperti Gangan, Begero, Pempek, dan kue-kue ringan khas Belitung
lainnya. Rasakan sensasi makan makanan khas Belitung langsung dari tempatnya
sambil disuguhkan pemandangan alam yang luar biasa.
1. A1 Hills, Samak, Manggar
A1 Hills as known as Samak Hills is a historic sites in East Belitung because there is a place that Dutch been ruled for a while. There are many house with Dutch 1900's architecture. You need to go to the peak, from there, you can see a marvelous view. You also can order traditional food of East Belitung here and also buy some souvenir for your friend in your home. Feel the sensation eating traditional food of East Belitung with incredible view in front of you.
1. A1 Hills, Samak, Manggar
A1 Hills as known as Samak Hills is a historic sites in East Belitung because there is a place that Dutch been ruled for a while. There are many house with Dutch 1900's architecture. You need to go to the peak, from there, you can see a marvelous view. You also can order traditional food of East Belitung here and also buy some souvenir for your friend in your home. Feel the sensation eating traditional food of East Belitung with incredible view in front of you.
Pantai ini merupakan pantai yang punya
fasilitas lebih daripada pantai lainnya di Belitung Timur. Di sini ada Monumen
Satam dan Monumen Kater yang mantap jika dijadikan spot untuk berpoto. Di sini
anda bisa sekedar bersantai sambil menikmati kelapa muda. Jika anda tidak suka
keramaian, susurilah pantai ini ke arah timur sampai bertemu dengan gugusan
batu-batu kecil yang terhampar di pasir maupun di bibir pantai. Disana anda
akan merasakan sensasi pantai milik pribadi yang amat indah dan tenang.
2. Nyiur Melambai Beach, Manggar
This is one of the best beach in East Belitung. There are Satam Monument and Kater Monument that you can take a thousand selfie-photos there. Here you can enjoy the beach with drinking coconut with your friend. If you want to private scene, you have to walk to the east of the beach. You will find some small stones there. Taste the beach like a private baech! Enjoy!
2. Nyiur Melambai Beach, Manggar
This is one of the best beach in East Belitung. There are Satam Monument and Kater Monument that you can take a thousand selfie-photos there. Here you can enjoy the beach with drinking coconut with your friend. If you want to private scene, you have to walk to the east of the beach. You will find some small stones there. Taste the beach like a private baech! Enjoy!
3. Bukit Pangkuan, Kelapa Kampit
Ini adalah tempat wisata baru yang dikelola
oleh warga sekitar tanpa campur tangan pemerintah setempat. Terletak di dataran
tinggi di daerah Kelapa Kampit disini anda bisa menikmati pemandangan hutan Belitung
dan juga gugusan bukit lainnya yang menjulang terlihat dari tempat ini, pun
juga Gunung Tajam bisa terlihat dari tempat ini. Cukup dengan RP 7,5 saja anda
bisa menikmati itu semua. Jika anda adalah orang yang menyukai tantangan, maka
anda bisa mencoba flying fox dan
jembatan titian yang menghubungkan antar gazebonya.
3. Pangkuan Hills, Kelapa Kampit
Located in Kelapa Kampit (about 29,8 miles from Manggar and 23,6 miles from Tanjung Pandan). Here you can see a landscape of Belitung Island and also see the top of Tajam Mountain. There are many games, such as flying fox, outbond, etc. You also can take a deep breath there with the fresh air of Belitung. Taste the air!
3. Pangkuan Hills, Kelapa Kampit
Located in Kelapa Kampit (about 29,8 miles from Manggar and 23,6 miles from Tanjung Pandan). Here you can see a landscape of Belitung Island and also see the top of Tajam Mountain. There are many games, such as flying fox, outbond, etc. You also can take a deep breath there with the fresh air of Belitung. Taste the air!
4. Pantai Burung Mandi, Damar
Pantai ini merupakan salah satu pantai
terindah di Belitung Timur versi saya. Di pantai ini anda akan mendapatkan
suguhan yang tidak hanya pantai saja tetapi juga bisa melihat gundukan pulau di
seberang pantai ini. Jika airnya sedang surut, maka anda akan dengan mudah
mencapai pulau ini.
4. Burung Mandi Beach, Damar
This is the best beach for me in East Belitung. With the blue sea and the island there make every single people will feel like in a paradise. If the water of sea is receding, you can cross to the island by yourself.
5. Vihara Dewi Kwam In, Damar
4. Burung Mandi Beach, Damar
This is the best beach for me in East Belitung. With the blue sea and the island there make every single people will feel like in a paradise. If the water of sea is receding, you can cross to the island by yourself.
5. Vihara Dewi Kwam In, Damar
Tidak jauh dari Pantai Burung Mandi, ada
sebuah tempat ibadah yang terletak di Bukit Damar. Dari sini anda bisa melihat
pemandangan sekitar, termasuk Pantai Burung Mandi. Tempat ini terkenal karena
letaknya yang unik dan di sana ada sebuah ritual unik. Jika anda ingin meramal
kehidupan anda, termasuk jodoh anda, maka datanglah ke tempat ini, itupun jika
anda memercayainya.
5. Dewi Kwam In Monastery, Damar
Not far from Burung Mandi Beach, you can go to the Dewi Kwam In Monastery. From here you can see the surrounding scenery, including the Burung Mandi Beach. This place is famous because it is unique location and there is a unique ritual. If you want to predict your life, including your mate, then come to this place, but even if you believe it :p
5. Dewi Kwam In Monastery, Damar
Not far from Burung Mandi Beach, you can go to the Dewi Kwam In Monastery. From here you can see the surrounding scenery, including the Burung Mandi Beach. This place is famous because it is unique location and there is a unique ritual. If you want to predict your life, including your mate, then come to this place, but even if you believe it :p
6. SD Laskar Pelangi, Gantung
Nah, tempat ini merupakan tempat wajib jika
anda berkunjung ke Belitung Timur. Tempat ini adalah replika tempat syuting
Laskar Pelangi tahun 2008 lalu. Namun, tempat ini bukanlah tempat syutingnya
dahulu, tempat ini hanya replikanya saja. Kenapa dibuat replika baru? Karena
sekolah yang dulu menjadi tempat syuting itu berada di dalam halaman SD Negeri
6 Gantung. Dirobohkan karena takut mengganggu proses kegiatan belajar mengajar
SD itu. Jadi dipindah ke tempat yang lebih luas demi kenyamanan pengunjung.
Dari sekolah ini anda bisa melihat dengan luas padang sabana, padang pasir,
juga bisa melihat danau-danau indah di sekitar tempat ini.
6. The Rainbow Troops Elementary School, Gantung
This is the landmark of East Belitung. Here is the set of Laskar Pelangi movie in 2008. There you can see a view like in savanna. You HAVE TO take a picture with the child around there for feel the sensation being a teacher xD But, the government is less concerned with this place. Much damage occurs and vandalism was unavoidable. Actually, you haven't been to the East Belitung if you have not been here!
6. The Rainbow Troops Elementary School, Gantung
This is the landmark of East Belitung. Here is the set of Laskar Pelangi movie in 2008. There you can see a view like in savanna. You HAVE TO take a picture with the child around there for feel the sensation being a teacher xD But, the government is less concerned with this place. Much damage occurs and vandalism was unavoidable. Actually, you haven't been to the East Belitung if you have not been here!
7. Museum Kata Andrea Hirata, Gantung
Kalau berkunjung ke SD Laskar Pelangi, tak
lengkap rasanya jika tidak berkunjung juga ke Museum Kata Andrea Hirata. Ini
merupakan tempat dimana Andrea Hirata, penulis laskar Pelangi, menyimpan semua
karya-karyanya maupun karya novelis dan sastrawan dunia lainnya. Disini juga
banyak karya seni yang dipamerkan terkait dengan Laskar Pelangi, seperti kelas
yang ada lemarinya (jika sudah menonton filmnya pasti tau), poto Lintang ketika
dihadang buaya, maupun sepeda bekas tunggangan Pak Seman, ayah Andrea. Persis
di hadapan museum ini, anda bisa melihat Masjid Al-Hikmah, sebuah masjid
yang melegenda di novel Laskar Pelangi
maupun novel Sang Pemimpi.
7. Literally Museum of Andrea Hirata, Gantung
If you visit Laskar Pelangi Elementary School, it is not complete if you haven't visit this place. This is a place that Andrea Hirata, Laskar Pelangi writer, save his artworks; painting, poetry, short stories (not for public), relic of shooting of Laskar Pelangi, and many more. In front of this museum, you will find a historic mosque (if you've read the novel, you surely know what i mean), Al-Hikmah Mosque.
7. Literally Museum of Andrea Hirata, Gantung
If you visit Laskar Pelangi Elementary School, it is not complete if you haven't visit this place. This is a place that Andrea Hirata, Laskar Pelangi writer, save his artworks; painting, poetry, short stories (not for public), relic of shooting of Laskar Pelangi, and many more. In front of this museum, you will find a historic mosque (if you've read the novel, you surely know what i mean), Al-Hikmah Mosque.
Pantai ini merupakan pantai yang mempunyai
kemiripan dengan pantai-pantai yang berada di Belitung. Penuh hamparan batu
granit yang besar dan memercantik panorama pantai ini. Jika anda ingin menginap
di sekitar pantai Punai ini anda bisa menginap di Cottage Punai yang terletak
di sekitar pantai ini dengan harga RP150 - RP250 per malamnya.
8. Punai Beach, Dendang
This beach is the beach which has some similarities with beaches located in West Belitung. Full of great stone of granite which beautify this beach view. If you want to stay around this beach you can stay in cottages which is located around the beach with a price of RP200.000 - RP350.000 (US$15 - US$26) per night.
9. Pantai Serdang, Manggar
8. Punai Beach, Dendang
This beach is the beach which has some similarities with beaches located in West Belitung. Full of great stone of granite which beautify this beach view. If you want to stay around this beach you can stay in cottages which is located around the beach with a price of RP200.000 - RP350.000 (US$15 - US$26) per night.
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Jika anda sangat ingin mendapatkan momen gold
sunrise, maka datanglah ke pantai ini. Dijamin, anda akan mendapatkan
pengalaman menjumpai sunrise yang sangat memesona. Setelah melihat gold sunrise
disini, anda bisa melihat-lihat monumen sepeda yang terletak tak jauh dari
bibir pantai. Jika anda betah disini, anda bisa juga menunggu sunset di pantai
ini. Tinggal berjalan menyusuri pantai ke arah selatan sampai bertemu dengan
gumukan pasir yang luas. Disana anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman melihat sunset
yang indah. Namun saya tekankan, jangan lewatkan momen sunrise di pantai ini.
Its gonna be your best sunrise ever!
9. Serdang Beach, Manggar
If you want to get gold sunrise moment, then come to this beach. Guaranteed, you will get a very stunning sunrise. After seeing the gold sunrise here, you can find bike monument which is located not far from the beach. If you feel enjoy here, you can also wait for the sunset at the beach. Just walk down to the south of the beach then meet the extensive sand. There you will have the experience of seeing a beautiful sunset. But I strongly recommended you, dont miss a moment of sunrise at the beach. Its gonna be your best sunrise ever!
Itulah 9 tempat wajib jika anda akan berlibur ke Belitung Timur. Ditulisan berikutnya akan saya ulas wisata kuliner di Belitung Timur yang patut anda coba! Selamat berwisata!
Its the best 9 places in East Belitung. In the next post, i'll post a traditional culinary of East Belitung. Come to Indonesia! Indonesia is waiting for YOU!
9. Serdang Beach, Manggar
If you want to get gold sunrise moment, then come to this beach. Guaranteed, you will get a very stunning sunrise. After seeing the gold sunrise here, you can find bike monument which is located not far from the beach. If you feel enjoy here, you can also wait for the sunset at the beach. Just walk down to the south of the beach then meet the extensive sand. There you will have the experience of seeing a beautiful sunset. But I strongly recommended you, dont miss a moment of sunrise at the beach. Its gonna be your best sunrise ever!
Itulah 9 tempat wajib jika anda akan berlibur ke Belitung Timur. Ditulisan berikutnya akan saya ulas wisata kuliner di Belitung Timur yang patut anda coba! Selamat berwisata!
Its the best 9 places in East Belitung. In the next post, i'll post a traditional culinary of East Belitung. Come to Indonesia! Indonesia is waiting for YOU!
ternyata belitung indah juga yaa. jadi bangga menjadi warga indonesia
Bangga krn pernah tinggal di Beltim 9 bln dan merasakan smua t4 di atas bahkan jauh sblm dikenal masy luas.
BalasHapusBangga krn msh melihat lokasi SD yg dipakai utk syuting laskar pelangi sblm di relokasi,krn ternyata tinggal disna stlh proses syuting br selesai.
Tiap weekend ga pernah puas bwt explore Belitung khususnya Beltim